ISB Career Support Network is a new initiative from the ISB Alumni Association and the school careers department. The purpose of this network is to provide both exiting and former ISB students with the opportunity to access the wealth of knowledge and experience that exists among both our alumni and our current and former parent base. As we all aware, it is so often a case of “not what you know, but who you know”, that counts in this world and we would like to help our (former) students to take advantage of this.
Anyone either currently or previously connected to the ISB can join the network if they are willing and able to provide help and support to ISB students in one of the ways described in the list below.
Deciding on a particular career path or vocation can be a challenging task. It is is always very helpful if students can hear first hand what a particular career choice is like in reality. From social work to engineering, media studies to law – or anything in between – if you are happy to speak with students about the things they need to consider for a particular career path then we would love to hear from you. Advice may be on either an individual or group basis.
Once a particular career path has been chosen, or favourite subject pinpointed for further study, the daunting prospect of a University Course Choice starts to rear its head. This advice is normally sought by students in Year 12 as they embark on the first year of Sixth Form. Whether it is advice on a particular university or the difference between a specific course, your first hand knowledge could be key. Advice may be on either an individual or group basis.
As the job market for young people gets tougher than ever, relevant work experience is becoming more and more important. You may well remember yourself how challenging that can be for students living away from their home country with the usual networks to fall back on. If you are able to provide either short term work experience opportunities for current students, or more extensive internships for University students or recent graduates then please let us know.
For new ISB graduates (be they from University or students coming straight from school) the possibility of paid employment is of course their ultimate goal. If you are in a position to be able to offer such an opportunity, whether through a recognised scheme in your company, or just a current opportunity we would be delighted to hear from you.