Our Values

ISB Character Education Program

At ISB we believe that Character Education is an important aspect of students’ learning. Our “Character education” program is an intentional effort to develop core values in young people that are widely affirmed across all cultures.

At ISB, character education is a cornerstone of our approach to teaching and learning. Our guiding principle is to integrate our values into all aspects of teaching and activities, which helps us make informed decisions. Our aim is to develop responsible global citizens who are empowered to make positive change in their communities and beyond.

Character is a set of personal traits or dispositions that produce specific moral emotions, inform motivation, and guide conduct.

Character education includes all explicit and implicit educational activities that help young people develop positive personal strengths called virtues.

What are the Character Traits at ISB?

Our Character Education program is shaped around four character traits that were selected by all our stakeholders. We regularly review these character traits and these traits lead our decision-making and student activities. 

The four character traits are:  

  • Moral Value: Honesty
  • Civic Value: Empathy
  • Performance Value: Responsibility
  • Intellectual Value: Open-mindedness

Creativity Activity Service

Character Education is organized around the four strands of creativity, activity, service and any other experiences.  

The Character Education programme enables students to demonstrate attributes of the ISB Character Traits in real and practical ways, grow as unique individuals, and recognise their role in interacting with others. 

The Character Education programme formally begins at the start of each academic year and continues regularly, ideally every week, until student graduates from the ISB.
All Character Education students are expected to maintain and complete a Character Education portfolio as evidence of their engagement with the Character
Education. The Character Education portfolio is a collection of evidence that show character Education experiences and student reflections.


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